1. Questions - Questions form the backbone to any great conversation. One of the Teams365 videos which has been viewed the most this year is the 20 Coaching Questions video I created from Teams365 #1277. You can view the video here. Subscribe to our Teams365 Leadership YouTube Channel to keep up-to-date with the weekly Teams365 videos I release each Sunday.
2. Techniques for leading more effective virtual conversations - 1-1s, virtual meetings, and webinars. With the launch of my newest book this past summer, Effective Virtual Conversations, I started dedicating Monday's Teams365 blog posts to the topic of leading more effective virtual conversations. If you have not checked out the 26-ish weekly posts on these, please do so here.
Whether it's using more breakouts or asking better questions, virtual meetings and webinars can break the mold of what I call "Death by Conference Call" - the multi-tasking, zoning out mindset. Be sure to also check out the related Community Calls I have hosted this fall as well.
3. Tools for Collaboration - Working across teams, and organizations, and industries is becoming much more the norm for most leaders and team members today. In February I focused on the topic of Collboration. Take a look at the top posts from February around the topic of collaboration.
4. Strategic planning - Whether strategic in your organization means 36 months or 10 years, planning sessions for teams continued to be very popular in 2017. You will want to check out several of the posts I have included around this topic here at the blog.
5. Strengths-based teamwork - Almost every month this year I found myself facilitating strengths-based teamwork sessions with teams, both in persona nd virtually. Whether we explored StrengthsFinder 2.0 or used VIA Strengths, I found these conversations to be extremely vibrant and transformational for teams. Circling back with most of them months later, strengths-based approaches really stuck out for them, and were approaches they could integrate into their every day work. Contact me to discuss how we can bring a strengths-based teamwork session to your team this next year.
6. Feedback and Difficult Conversations - Another area I found most of my team support boiled down to this year was around the areas of feedback and getting more comfortable with difficult, or courageous, conversations. Check out the Teams365 posts on the topic of feedback here.
going hand in hand with feedback was the topic of having more difficult, or courageous, conversations during 2017. Check out the Teams365 posts here on this topic.
What other tools did you draw upon regularly as a team leder or team member this year?
Have a great Wednesday,
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
Team and Leadership Development | Coaching | Retreats.
Follow us on Twitter @Teams365
Phone: (416)996-8326
You can grab a copy of my new book, Effective Virtual Conversations, at Amazon. You can also purchase an autographed copy direct from our site
Looking to schedule some team development next year? Contact me to discuss whether the Everything DiSC or the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team as a starting point.