As we step into the new season (Winter or summer depending on where you are in the world), it's always an opportunity to pause, and take stock. While many of us are doing this at this time of year-end, remembering to stop and set some goals for the next 3 months, can further help to focus in on what's important, harnessing attention on those, while providing more space to react to the items that no doubt will emerge.
As you step into winter (or summer), take a few minutes to look back at the last 3 months. Ask yourself:
1. What have been your major accomplishments?
2. What's different today than at the start of winter - December 21st in your work? Your work style? Your relationships? Your resources?
3. What's possible, given this?
4. What did you do consistently over the last 3 months? What impact did that have?
5. What was the key learning you had over the last 3 months?
6. What's the one thing you learned from, which did not succeed?
7. What do you wish you had done, but didn't?
8. What changes do you want to carry forward into the next 3 months?
Looking ahead to the next quarter:
1. What are the key goals for the next 3 months?
2. What are the key activities you want to, and need to, undertake?
3. What will help you be successful?
4. What, and who, can you leverage?
5. What's the one thing you want to do consistently over this next 90 day period?
6. What's the one thing you want to try? What is important about that?
7. At the end of 90 days, what do you want success to look like?
Enjoy your reflection and more importantly, the next few months of the season!
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