Consistent Action + Daily Steps Equal Momentum
The tagline for the Coaching Business Builder and PlanDoTrack is “Consistent Action + Daily Steps = Momentum. In other words, it’s the small daily, consistent actions that add up over time to create movement and/or momentum in our business.
For many years throughout the 90 Days Success Program (2005 onwards), and more recently the Coaching Business Growth Lab, I have shared the One Percent Business Rule. This framework is grounded in the notion of taking daily steps towards your most important goals.
In business today it is likely that we are working on important projects around the margins of our work and life. This is how each of my book publications has been birthed, and it’s how most of my presentations and program designs get built.
As you engage with the notion of Consistent Action + Daily Steps = Momentum, consider these questions:
- What is the most important goal to be working on right now?
- As you chunk it down, what are the smaller packets of work that make this up?
- What are the tasks and activities which need to get done?
- What are the consistent actions you want to undertake?
- What can daily steps look like to these blocks of work – this week? This month?
- What momentum will that create?
- What will that momentum feel like?
Check out other business philosophies grounded in PlandoTrack and Coaching Business Buidler here: What’s important for you to note about consistent action for yourself?
Enjoy your week,
CEO, Head Coach and Author
Potentials Realized | Group Coaching Essentials
Leadership | Teamwork | Coaching
Contact: 1-416-996-8326
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @ReconnectingWorkspaces, @CoachingBusinessBuilder
Pick up a copy of Reconnecting Workspaces: Pathways to Thrive in the Virtual, Remote and Hybrid World at Amazon –
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