Have you considered exploring these five team focus areas yet?
#1 - Strategic Issues Mapping – Strategic issues and strategic thinking is key in an era of ongoing change. What is really important to get a handle on? What are the factors and forces which are influencing your work? Is it time to revisit your strategic context by exploring a SWOT, or maybe doing a PESTLE process? Going way back to year 1 of our daily blog posts, check out #Teams365 #85 on bringing strategic issues mapping into your work.
#2 - Working with Priorities – Once you’ve got your strategic focus, have you as a team identified what your priorities really are. Take a look at #Teams365 #981 to explore different ways to work with your team around priorities.
#3 – Getting better at problem solving. Problems are becoming more complex and bigger. Check out this 2015 Sunday audio post on three problem solving tools you could bring into your upcoming team work.
Teams365 #705: Creative Problem Solving - What' you'll need are some index cards, sharpie markers and a problem which needs solving. Click here to read.
#4 – Project Close Outs: Teams365 #554: Team Building - Project Close Out - Click here to read five key areas you will want to explore in undertake an end of project close out.
#5 - Getting Clear on Boundaries – Too fluid a workspace and work routine has been pointed to as one of the main challenges of the last few years. Teams365 #1064: Team Development Activity A - Z - B is for boundaries. Click here to review a quick activity to support the team in identifying what they want to, and need to focus on, and boundaries they want to create in their work. Click here to read more.
#6 – Team Development in General. Teams don’t just become amazing. They become better when they work together. Many of the teams we’ve had the privilege to work with have indicated that their most impactful use of their team time has been in partaking with our Team Days. These days incorporate either Clifton Strengths Finder or the Hybrid Work Styles Quiz, helping teams understand their unique tapestry and the practical things they can do to become their best. These Team Days can be as short as 4 hours and as long as two days. Contact us to learn more – (https://calendly.com/jennbritton)
What’s going to help you do your best work this fall?
Enjoy the reflection,
Potentials Realized |Reconnecting Workspaces | Group Coaching Essentials
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