Today I wanted to dip into the question of “How many connections are enough” and share with you and excerpt from Day 25 (of the 90!) related to the topic of networking. We often feel that more is more, when in fact “less is usually more!”.
Here’s what I shared about what we know about the number of connections which can be useful:
“How many connections are enough?
The Dunbar Number asserts that there is a “cognitive limit to the number of people with whom any individual can maintain table social relationships—relationship in which the individual knows who each person is and how each person relates to every other person.”
The commonly used value is 150. If there are more than 150 people, we need hierarchical rules and norms to maintain a stable, cohesive group.
Is it more important for you to develop more relationships or reduce the number of relationships you have?”
Enjoy the reflection,
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