As I write in Reconnecting Workspaces (link to “The Law of Diminishing Returns states that at a certain point, your inputs do not meet your output. In any project (writing a book, creating a presentation, writing out a new plan), there will be a point when things are “good enough.”
As you consider your major projects right now, ask yourself these questions
How much is enough?
What does success look like?
What value add will there be if you dedicate another hour? Four hours? ___ hours?
What do you notice about the Law of Diminishing Return for your projects right now?
Enjoy the conversation,
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Check out my TEDx talk - Virtual, Remote and Hybrid Checklist
Looking to bring your workplaces back together, whether you are remote, hybrid, or face-to-face? Pick up a copy of my book, Reconnecting Workspaces, at Amazon.