A few key areas you can consider in tightening up your meetings are:
1. Make sure you assign roles - facilitator, time keeper, record keeper etc. These roles can, and should change, so that it doesn't always fall to the same person.
2. Have an agenda and make sure that the meeting is really the best forum. Can it be handled in another way? in another meeting?
3. Keep to time and on track. It's easy to get off track with meetings. Watch the time you have allocated and be vigilant in bringing meetings back on track. If there is an issue that needs further discussion decide how you want to approach it, and perhaps place it in a "parking lot" for future meetings. Do decide when you want to address it and who will track this.
4. Be sure everyone is leaving the meeting with clarity around decisions made and next steps
For other meeting management tips here at the Teams 365 blog, please visi:
Teams365 #211: Meeting Management Faux-pas
Teams365 #219: Keeping Meetings on Track (Five key tips in a cartoon)
Have a great weekend,
Jennifer Britton
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