Here are six questions to be asking yourself and your team to finish off on a "high note":
1. What projects need to be completed prior to the end of the year? What will it take to wrap these up?
2. What, if anything, needs to wound down before the end of the year - processes, accounts, reports?
3. If we need more people power on a project before the end of the year, what do we let go of?
4. Before we disband for the holidays, what lessons learned and recommendations for next time do we need to capture?
5. What new habits do we need to develop as we get back to work in January?
6. What do we want to celebrate?
What else do you want to make sure you have dialogue about before the team starts to disband for the year?
Enjoy the conversation,
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders | Remote Pathways Podcast
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As we step into the end of the year, get your planning on with the PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner or Coaching Business Builder
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