Today's FlashbackFriday posts merges two past posts together - First Teams365 #391: Delegation - the Dreaded D Word. Here' what I wrote:
"One area both new and experienced team leaders struggle with is in the area of Delegation. How do you find delegation as a skill set and practice yourself?
If you are one of the many leaders who struggle with this area then this week's focus on delegation is for you. You may already find yourself with way too many things on your plate, and not enough time to do it.
To get a handle on what might be "delegation material" schedule the following 10-15 minute activity:
1. Pull out your current to do list, along with your accountabilities for the next quarter.
2. With these in mind, take a look at the current key priorities. These may be shaped by KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), Team Goals or any other Organizational Goals which are priority this quarter (or year).
3. What are the tasks that only you can accomplish?
4. What are the tasks that you need to be involved with, but can be supported by others?
5. What are the tasks that you really need support from others to accomplish (i.e specialized skills may be needed, due to complexity etc)?
6. What are the tasks on your list that really need to be completely handed off - who can do them? What support and direction do they need?
7. With these items off your plate, how much more time will you have?
Once you have gotten a line of sight on the tasks which need to be handed off, we can then start exploring how to do this. We'll be looking at tips for that this week, and you may also want to refer back to other posts I've written on delegation namely
Teams365 #90 - Delegation Tips which you can read here OR
Teams365 #315: Leadership a - z - D is for delegation which you can read here"
Once you have figured out the big picture you may want to do a check with these questions from Teams365 #393: 8 Questions to ask yourself about delegation in which I wrote:
"At the core of delegation is planning, and the ability to have a good conversation. Conversations are started with great questions. Today's post prompts you with some of questions to consider.
8 Questions to be asking yourself as you think about delegation include:
1. What is important for me to focus on right now? With that in mind, what can I delegate on?
2. Who would benefit, and be able, to take on each task?
3. What support will they need to the successful?
4. What will success look like for each project? How will they know that they are on the mark?
5. How will we check in around the task?
6. What authority and responsibility do I need to provide to them to be successful with the task?
7. What are the lessons learned from taking on the task?
8. With what I have delegated, what space does that free up?
What other questions will you want to keep in mind as you think about delegation?
Have a great week,
Potentials Realized
Author of From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013) and Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010)
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