“As virtual facilitators, we are partnering on a multitude of levels:
The first layer of partnering – collaboration and/or co-creation is with our clients
The next layer of partnering, which adds benefit, is with other professionals as a co-facilitator
The third layer is expanding the impact of collaboration through the development of the virtual leader, and creating a culture of virtual conversations.”
Masterful virtual events – webinars, conference calls and online learning rarely occur alone. They occur in partnership, and as my quote illustrates, most of us are working on multiple levels with partnering to make an exceptional conversation experience. Who are you partnering with regularly?
Most of us are partnering with our clients every day. The more you can collaborate and co-create with your clients to shape the agenda, the approaches and style of the call, the more “on the mark” it is likely to be.
For larger events, and for moving to a platform of virtual calls, it’s likely that you are partnering regularly with a variety of people including other virtual facilitators, internal and external producers or people who can support you technically. Consider those you work with at this second level. What’s important to them? What do they need from you to create a successful call? What do you need from them? What requests do you want to make?
The third level of partnering is in service to building a whole culture of virtual work. Not every organization goes this route, but many do realize that with effective virtual conversations, we can change the way we communicate, making it faster, more efficient and more tailored. What is the culture you are building around virtual conversations? Are you building a network of virtual leaders? Consider what is going to make the conversations more effective and richer?
Consider at which levels of partnering you are currently working at? What are the levels at which you will be partnering in six months? One year? Three years?
Enjoy the start to your week,
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
Team and Leadership Development | Coaching | Retreats.
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Phone: (416)996-8326
Looking to enhance your virtual conversations - Conference calls? Webinars? Virtual coaching work? Pick up a copy of my new book, Effective Virtual Conversations, at Amazon.
New in 2018 - The Teams365 Leadership Lab - an annual group for leaders which meets every two weeks throughout 2018. We'll be exploring topics like Emotional Intelligence, Team Management, Coaching Skills. Download the call schedule here