Here's what I wrote in Teams365 #1457:
With the rise of virtual and remote teams, skill bases are changing. No longer do team leaders only need skills, all team members can benefit from enhanced skill sets in influence, decision making, prioritization etc. Given that team members in a virtual and remote team are usually more self-directed in daily operations, supporting team members with these three skills can be very important.
Prioritization – In a business context where it’s feasible to work 24/7 if you are connected into a global network, learning to prioritize means the difference between thriving or surviving. Does everyone on the team know what the priorities are – for you? For the team? For additional stakeholders they work with? For different matrix leaders and teams they interface with? One of the more common frameworks many of us return to time and time again is that of Steven Covey’s urgent/important matrix. Read about it here in this Business Insider article , or Teams365 #121 ( for a very abridged version.
Relationship management – In my book, Effective Virtual Conversations, I remind people that “no person is an island”. The skills of relationship management and networking take on an even greater importance in the virtual space as work still continues to be done through others. What is the state of your virtual networks? Who do you connect with regularly? Who could you benefit from building more relationships with?
Going hand in hand with relationship management is the skill set of influence. When working remote and/or virtually we are constantly working through others we can only influence and likely have no line responsibility with. Check out Teams365 #495 about Emotional Intelligence and the skill of influence. Read it here:
Systematization and automation – learning to systematize and/or automate can also help in navigating the uncertainty and variability of today’s work place. Systematization involves developing systems which help you with efficiency and productivity. For example, if you work remote, what systems do you have in place to allow you to:
- Easily access main files and information you use. This could entail having files in the cloud, on a VPN or via an Intranet
- Seamlessly update file versions and editions you are working on
- Easily access your contact details – phone numbers and email addresses – which synch across appropriate devices
Automation can mean many different things to team members including:
- Distributing and updating meeting requests, agendas and notes
- Filing receipts
As you consider your team focus in the upcoming year, what do you know about the skills which will be required?"
With best wishes,
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
Team and Leadership Development | Coaching | Retreats.
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You can grab a copy of my new book, Effective Virtual Conversations, at Amazon. You can also purchase an autographed copy direct from our site
A reminder that the Teams365 Leadership Lab kicks off on Friday January 26th at 845 am ET. It's a bi-weekly group for leaders (new, experienced and team) looking to expand their skills, knowledge and know-how around leadership. More info here.