Today is Boxing Day here in Canada, and in the years before Black Friday also became common place in our shopping malls, Boxing Day was the day of the year to scoop up great savings. I was told as a child the reason for why it is called Boxing Day is because of the focus on filling the boxes with goodies for the end of the year. Regardless, for most of us, our attention is now turning to the end of the year and reflections on the year that was.
In today’s post I wanted to provide you with several questions to support you with your year end planning. Today, we are going to start with taking a look back at the year that was, and in another few days we’ll look at planning for the year head. To get some inspiration (and leverage) I reached back and took a look at what I wrote a couple of years ago, on Boxing Day 2016. Read it here.
Here are ten questions to support you in reflecting back on the last year:
1. What's been your biggest success this year?
2. What are you most proud of accomplishing? OR What were your greatest results?
3 What habits have most supported you this year?
4. What three adjectives sum up the year for you?
5. What were key relationships instrumental to your success and experience this year?
6. What has been your biggest, and most important, learning this year?
7. If you were to give this year a book title, what would it be?
8. What do you want to make sure you keep doing in the new year? What do you want to stop doing?
9. What do you want to acknowledge yourself for?
10. How and when will you celebrate the successes of 2018? With whom?
Do make a point to take some time today to reflect AND WRITE these ideas down. If you have not created a journal for yourself for the new year, perhaps today is he day to grab a new book, or start a new file. As I wrote several weeks ago, there are many benefits of journaling, check them out here.
Jennifer Britton – Potentials Realized
Author of multiple books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017), Coaching Business Builder (2018) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013)
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