I thought it would be useful to get connected to this 2014 blog post.
As you start this new work week, consider how your team does on a scale of 1-10 around these six areas which make up the core of team success in the workpace:
1. Shared purpose or mission (Your WHY)
2. Shared behavioral norms (How you do things? What is acceptable and unacceptable on the team)
3. Shared commitment (What are team members committed to?)
4. Shared performance goals (How are people measured? How do your goals align? Overlap?)
5. Shared team practices (Teams that work together effectively share common practices such as a Monday morning huddle, a Thursday night out or some other regular event).
6. Clear Roles (How our roles overlap, align and connect).
You might be wondering so what do these mean? These are some of the areas we explore in our TEAM DAYS (link to TEAM DAY), as well as in customized Team Programs.
Here’s an earlier Flashback Friday post (Teams365 #1920 - #TEAMS365 #1920: Team Development: Revisiting the Six Factors - POTENTIALS REALIZED) which also goes into a bit more depth around these core areas:
1. Shared purpose or mission (Your WHY)
What is your purpose? Your mission? Why do you exist? Does everyone hold the same understanding? What does this mean practically for your work? What priorities does your purpose or mission naturally create?
2. Shared behavioral norms
How do you do things? What is acceptable and unacceptable on the team? What behaviors and habits exist? Which ones are supportive of exceptional performance? Which ones aren't?
3. Shared commitment
What are team members committed to? What will you get done, no matter what? Is there anything that needs to be dropped off the list?
4. Shared performance goals
What are key goals for the team this year? What are key individual goals? How do your goals align? Overlap? What does success look like for each member? For the entire team? Does everyone have an understanding of the key goals of others on the team and how they feed into them?
5. Shared team practices
Teams that work together effectively share common practices such as a Monday morning huddle, a Thursday night out or some other regular event. What practices support your relationships?
6. Clear Roles
How do our roles overlap, align and connect? What changes, if any, are needed this year around your roles giving your priorities?
If you are interested in learning more or sharing different resources with your team, check out this past Team Leader Café Call I did on the topic of the six factors.
Check out this short video about the six factors.
If you have a copy of my book, Effective Virtual Conversations, check out chapter 11 (Virtual Team Development).
Potentials Realized |Reconnecting Workspaces | Group Coaching Essentials
Team and Leadership Development | Coaching | Retreats
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