This past month here at the Teams365 blog I have been focusing on building relationships and the skill of collaboration. These are areas which are essential in today’s workplace. As we step into the month of March, we’ll be moving into one of my favorite topics – Team Development, and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the month of March, I will be sharing with you a daily team development activity.
As you consider your own team development work, consider the following questions:
Get to know you – how well do team members know each other? Do you spend enough time connecting team members and helping them get to know each other?
Face time – What face time do people have (whether it’s planned or informal” As Elfenben (2006) found ““The ability to understand another’s emotional expressions explained 40% of the variance in team performance”. Even in the virtual world, what use can you make of streaming technologies?
Real-time - What opportunities do team members have to work together real-time? Real-time work where you can collaborate in the moment, problem solve together, is much different than mny typical meetings. Consider what projects would benefit from some work real-time, whether it’s a sprint or working session?
What’s the purpose? – Many teams undertake team development for team development’s sake. Questions to always be asking?
· What’s needed by the team right now?
· What do individual team members need?
· What outcomes are you seeking?
· What will people prefer? (time, approaches, focus)
Make it an ongoing something – Out of sight equals out of mind for most teams. What regular frequency can you create with your team focus? What could this look like?
I am looking forward to stepping into a new month with you and to turning our attention back to team development again. I may also pick up the threads of this metaphor of the team of elephants or snails. Which one do you see your team as? Let us know through the comments.
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