In today's hectic world of VUCA - an acronym which stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous - it's even more important to find these micro-moments for planning. While we may not be able to undertake a full-blown planning process, short moments to reflect on how things have been and where you are going, individually and collectively can help with alignment, engagement, and focus.
This summer I was working with a great group of professionals in Australia, which really brought home how on a global basis our work patterns can be varied according to seasons. As such, please feel free to adjust the season here today.
Here are some questions to consider as we move into a new season:
What worked well in the last quarter/over the summer or winter was....
What didn't work so well was....
Key accomplishments over the summer/winter were....
Key learning was....
Looking ahead:
My priorities this summer are....
Key focus areas are....
My team's priorities this season are....
Something I want to do more of is....Less of is...
One habit I want to hone this fall/spring is....
One thing I want to stop doing is.....
I will know we have been successful at the start of winter/summer when....
I will know I have been successful at the start of winter/summer when....
Key relationships to focus on this fall/spring are...
Key projects to focus on this fall/spring are....
Enjoy the colors of the season!
Best wishes,
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
Team and Leadership Development | Coaching | Retreats
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