In starting the journey with a new team you will want to build in time, and focus around these key areas:
- Create a shared vision – Where are we going? What’s our WHY? Why do we exist? What’s important?
- How do we….Creating Shared Behavioral Norms. Creating shared behavioral norms is key in establishing consistent team performance. Knowing what is acceptable and unacceptable on teams helps individuals self-correct and align. Read this past post on team norms - Teams365 #948
- Shared team practices – Regular meetings – huddles, team meetings, an evening out once a month to socialize, helps to build the key relationships which are critical for trust and connection. It is these relationships that help teams through the ups and downs of their existence.
- Clarify performance goals – what are key goals and priorities. How are they measured? What will success look like?
- Clear Roles - helping team members understand their roles and how they overlap, intersect and depend on each other is key.
- Ongoing accountability – In high performance it is key to "circle" back and see how team members are doing. Creating a safe space where people can share what's working, and what's not, is increasingly being found as an important factor in high performance. Read Charles Duhigg's article on Google's experience with "safety" and behavioral norms.
Best wishes,
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
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