"Today we are at G in the Leadership a-z. A central focus of coaching conversations, whether working with individuals, teams or groups, is on goal-setting.
Many of us are familiar with SMART goal setting, on a personal or professional level. In this framework the acronym reminds us to ensure that our goals are:
S- Specific: What exactly are you going to achieve? What are you aiming for?
M - Measurable: How can you measure your progress towards this goal? This might be a specific number, percentage or other.
A - Achievable: Is the goal achievable, with a stretch? What do you need to make sure you achieve it?
R - Realistic : It is realistic with the resoruces you have?
T- Timebound: What is the timeframe on these goals?
In my book, Effective Group Coaching, I add an E on the end, to stand for Exciting. If our goals are not exciting to us, what happens? The chances of them being fulfilled goes down.
Another useful goal framework is the CLEAR goal framework introduced by John Whitmore in his book, Coaching For Performance. Whitmore's CLEAR stands for:
C- Challenging
L - Legal
E- Environmentally Sound
A - Appropriate
R - Recorded (as many of know, what doesn't get written down, doesn't get done)
Coaching Questions:
1. What is the status of your current goals professionally?
2. How do they connect with your team or departmental goals?
3. What might get in the way of goal completion during 2013? What do you need to achieve them? What changes might be needed to the original goal?
4. As you look towards next year, what are some possible goals for your work?
5. What goal framework with work best for you?
6. What will support you in keeping your goals in mind?"
You can read the original post here.
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
Author of From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2016)
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