There are a number of great characteristics which benefit virtual and remote team leaders including youthful (regardless of age), yearning, as well as thinking in terms of yield and yearly.
As virtual and remote team leaders curiosity and taking a youthful approach is key. With contexts ever-changing there is very little relevance for expertise or certainty. Taking a learner's approach, and looking at situations through a more youthful mindset can benefit virtual and remote team leaders of any age.
Yearning to do more, learn more and impact more is also another great characteristic for virtual and remote team leaders. While we may not see direct impact every day, the span of our impact can be quite vast. And as I've just mentioned, ongoing learning is critical.
As virtual and remote team leaders we may need to take a longer term orientation to our planning and work - and thinking in terms of impact our activities (and visits) will yield, in a short term and annual basis.
How do you stack up with these areas?
Have a great Tuesday,
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
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