Today we've going to look at the importance of values and vision for Virtual and Remote TEam Leaders. From the High Performance Literature we know that teams that excel have a shared vision. From my experience they are also very clear on how their values are translated into action. While different team members will likely bring different individual values to the table, it is critical for the team itself to be consistent with support of the collective team values.
IN my work as a coach I find that while most team members can list off their values, what is more challenging is to have alignment across the team around what the values look like in action. For example, what does respect look like on the team? Or customer service?
Conflict can often emerge when values are not being consistently demonstrated.
Activity: Discuss what values look like in action on your team.
Vision is also another area which is critical for success in high performing virtual teams. Having the shared vision across the team, where people can articulate what it means and looks like from their location and role.
Activity: Revisit your team vision. What does it mean for each person, at each location? How do they feed into it? What support do they need?
Ill be back later this week with W in the a-z of virtual and remote team leadership.
Have a great Wednesday
Jennifer Britton
Potentials REalized
Coaching, Training and Facilitation
(416) 996-8326