Many new mentors and proteges are curious about what you might do in upcoming conversations. Each meeting doesn't just have to be over coffee. In fact there can be some great hands-on learning experiences such as these five ideas:
1. Attend an industry /networking meeting together (what upcoming conferences, breakfast meetings, lunch and learns, webinars are being held that you both would benefit from?
2. If mentoring is happening across your organization or industry, pair up with another mentoring team (mentor and protege) for one of your meetings. Com;pare notes on what you have been learning, doing and applying your knowledge and insights.
3. Develop a reading list together. When my business partner Susan Combs and I do mentor training through our Mentor RoadMap(TM) training and supports, we continue to hear how many mentoring partnerships enjoy creating a reading list together, reading the books and discussing them during the mentoring conversations. What three books would you put on your mentoring reading log? The nice thing about all of these ideas is that both mentors and their proteges/mentees will find value from the activities.
4. Identify a podcast series that would be of interest to both of you. Make apoint of setting a goal to listen in regularly and discuss the topics. This is a great one for commuters!
5. As appropriate, spend time onsite with each other going through part of your daily routine. Maybe it's attending a team meeting, or reviewing a report, or budget together.This may spark some new ideas and focus areas you had not through abut previously.
Which ones have you tried? What has been your experience? ohter ideas to share? Please feel free to comment below!
Best wishes,
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
Team and Leadership Development | Coaching | Retreats
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Contact us by email to explore how the Mentor RoadMap(TM)mentor training and workbooks could support more effective mentporing in your organization or industry.