In the spirit of our monthly review, here are some additional questions to consider:
1. What have been your successes and accomplishments this past month? So far this year?
2 What are you most proud of?
3. What are your key priorities for November? The rest of the year?
4. What key relationships have helped you so far this year? Which ones need more attention?
5 What has helped your successes? What has hindered?
6. What does your team need to be acknowledged for?
7. no matter what, what really needs to get moved forward?
Have a great start to the month!
Best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, MES, CPT, PCC
Potentials Realized
Leadership, Teamwork and Coaching
Join us next weekend for the Group and Team Coaching Intensive program in downtown Toronto - weekend of November 7-8, 2015. This program supports coaches and leaders to enhance their coaching toolkit for working with teams and groups as a coach. Program approved for 19 CCEs with the ICF.