In fact, some of the most high performing teams are very diverse, and outside of work, people might not naturally find themselves in what I call "Each others orbits".
Performance success today requires that team members are able to communicate effectively and respectfully, and learn the skill of working across difference and diversity. This is not naturally something innate. A starting point is often helping people become aware of their own unique style and nature and how that impacts others. by enhancing our own understanding first, we are then able to expand our understanding of others.
Innovation requires that we expand our comfort and abilities in working acoss boundaries, and innovative teams requires that they are able to surface and work through differences in opinion and issues. The ability to hold difficult conversations is key.
What is the state of relationships within your team. How aware are team members of their impact on others?
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton, MES, CPT, PCC
Potentials Realized
Leadership, Teamwork and Coaching
Join us in a few weeks for the Group and Team Coaching Intensive program in downtown Toronto - weekend of November 7-8, 2015. This program supports coaches and leaders to enhance their coaching toolkit for working with teams and groups as a coach. Program approved for 19 CCEs with the ICF.