These are:
1. Shared purpose or mission (Your WHY)
2. Shared behavioral norms (How you do things? What is acceptable and unacceptable on the team)
3. Shared commitment (What are team members committed to?)
4. Shared performance goals (How are people measured? How do your goals align? Overlap?)
5. Shared team practices (Teams that work together effectively share common practices such as a Monday morning huddle, a Thursday night out or some other regular event).
6. Clear Roles (How our roles overlap, align and connect).
Today's six leadership questions are a "litmus" test to see how you are doing as a team in these six areas. Feel free to add your own around the six factors as well
1. What are we doing to fulfill (and advance) our mission?
2. What are the behaviors which are helping the team move forward? What's taboo right now?
3. What can we count on from each other as team mates?
4. How will be know we have been successful?
5. What activities are helping us most stay connected in terms of communication, keeping an eye on results and building connection?
6. How do our roles support us?
With best wishes,
Jennifer Britton, MES, CPT, PCC
Potentials Realized
Leadership, Teamwork and Coaching
Join us in a few weeks for the Group and Team Coaching Intensive program in downtown Toronto - weekend of November 7-8, 2015. This program supports coaches and leaders to enhance their toolkit for working with teams and groups as a coach. Program approved for 19 CCEs with the ICF.