Some of the additional skills, beyond the core team leadership characteristics and competencies are:
* The ability to build connection and relationships quickly, and to connect others, especially if you are leading a multi-national team
* Flexibility and adaptability - when working globally everyone may be working on a different timeframe. Our a-z list may become a cubed to c.
* Openness to not knowing -the comfort with ambiguity is something many global leaders embrace as the norm rather than the blip. Whether it's not exactly knowing how things are done, or how things operate, being ok with not knowing or getting it right is key to success
* Awareness of your own biases and strengths and how this can serve you, and sometimes get in the way. We each bring our own sub-set of baggage built from the experiences and socialization we have had.
* Humility and an appreciation of the multitude of layers of culture which can exist
* The ability to see connections and patterns amongst what might seen disparate
* The ability to work and excel across differences and help others do the same
This week we'll be taking a deeper look at resources for global leaders and other topics of interest. Please stay tuned!
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
Coaching Skills Training | Leadership Development | Teamwork
Growing Team Leaders, One Conversation at a Time(TM)
Contact us to discuss coaching or performance support you or your team
Phone: (416)996-8326
About Jennifer: Jenn is the founder of Potentials Realized a Canadian based performance improvement company. We provide customized training and coaching supports for leaders and their teams in the areas of teamwork, coaching and mentoring skills, and leadership development. Jennifer is the author of From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013) and has helped develop leaders and teams globally since the early 1990s, first as a team leader herself, then as Program Director and internal consultant, and for the last 11 years through Potentials Realized as a trainer, consultant and coach. Jennifer offers both public programs for team leaders (The Teams365 Coaching Groups and Teams365 Leadership Foundations programs) and also works with organizations to build their own internal programs