1. What are your top 3 priorities this month?
2. What, if anything, could get in the way of your focus on these areas?
3. What do you notice about when your focus is most acute? (Consider the times of day when you are able to get into flow, or get more focused - is it first thing in the morning, later in the evening)?)
4. What can you do to maximize these moments of FOCUS?
5. As you consider your top priorities, what would your team/stakeholders/boss say about the top three areas where they want you to focus?
What do you notice about alignment or lack of alignment here? Any changes needed?
6. Whats the one activity you are currently working on that is really out of focus?
As always, the 6 L3adership Questions are geared to get tyou to pause and reflect for a few minutes. We'd love to hear about your insights!
Have a great weekend,
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized | Mentor RoadMap(TM)
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