In the spotlight today are some questions to be asking your virtual team. Consider the impact of asking these questions with each of your virtual team members:
What is unique or different about your location and priorities
What should we know about what you bring to the team?
How do you want to be supported by me? By others?
How frequently would you like to meet?
What time of day works best for you?
What is unique about the customers and clients in your location?
One on one time is even more valuable for virtual team leaders. For more posts on Virtual Team issues, please check out
Teams365 #524: Working Across Differences with Your Virtual Team - Click here to read
#Teams365 #99: Virtual Team Success - Click here to read
Have a great week,
Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPT
Potentials Realized | Teams365
Growing Team Leaders One Conversation at a Time(TM)
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