Positive feedback refers to providing feedback when people are doing things well. In other words, catch people when they are doing things right.
Constructive feedback focuses on letting people know when a change is needed. Many leaders especially fail to provide feedback regarding the constructive
Three keys in providing feedback are:
Make it specific – Speak to the actual behaviors you see. What happened? Where was it? What was done? What should have been done? If you were to look through the lens of your phone/camera, what would you see behaviorally?
Make it real-time – Leaving feedback for days or weeks is not effective. We want to provide feedback – both positive and constructive –as close to the incidence as possible. Make feedback real time. That way the situation is fresh, the change can be made right away before it becomes an ingrained habit, and it can be more iterative.
Talk about impact – Let people know what and why the change is needed. What is important about making the change? What impact did it have – on others? What impact does it have short term? Medium term? Long term
What tips do you have for others around feedback?
Best wishes,
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
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