This cartoon highlights activities which can build trust such as:
- Walk my talk
- Regular, open communication
- Recognition that is real
- Follow-through
- Trusts Others
- Clear Expectations
On the flip side activities which erode trust include
- No follow through
- Little or no feedback
- Team Favorites
- Lack of transparency
- Gossip
- Doesn't listen
What activities are trust builders and trust destroyers on your team right now? What impact are they having?
This is a topic we explore in the Teams365 Conflict Management and Coaching Skills Training programs. Contact us to learn about our upcoming virtual and on-demand offerings of these programs, as well as customized coaching skills training for your organization.
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
Supporting Team Leaders One Conversation at a Time(TM)
(416) 996-8326