Vision – What is your team’s vision for this quarter? This year? To listen into some leadership vision questions refer to this Teams365 Sunday Audio.
Values act like anchors. They help us in determining what is important and what is not. When we act without keeping in mind values, our actions may become unaligned. What are the team’s top 5 values. What is the connection with individual values?
Virtual teams span the globe. Explore these characteristics which make virtual teams excel. Click here to view my virtual teams cartoon.
Virtual Meetings are now more common than not in many workplaces. What keeps your virtual meeting effective? Listen into Team365 #390: Sunday Audio which includes 7 tips for more effective virtual meetings.
Visual cues help to anchor teams. What are the key visual cues which will keep your key goals visible?
Vigour - What vigour or energy is the team bringing towards their work? What's going to help team members tap into doing their best every day?
Have a great Tuesday,
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized - Leadership | Teamwork | Coaching Skills Training for Leaders
Supporting Team Leaders One Conversation at a Time(TM)