Working backwards today, consider What are the materials you need to be successful with your current projects? Materials may be human resources, financial resources, material, IT etc? What will help you be successful?
Memorable - Unfortunately many of us are bombarded with information and things that require our attention, which often distracts us from things that really are important. Ensuring that things are memorable are even more of a challenge for some today, than a decade ago. Consider these questions: What is going to make your leadership and work memorable? What will stand out? To your team? Your peers? Your stakeholders? The people you mentor or coach?
Metaphor is a vehicle in making complex ideas more real. Whether we talk about team roles in terms of who is captain, first mate, or we look at putting a visual to a metaphor, metaphors bring ideas to life. I’ve included in today’s post some of the cards which make up my Conversation Sparker deck. Since it’s launch last spring dozens of team shave used it to identify complex issues. Just recently I have launched the Team Sparker deck – 52 cards, each which includes a question, for you to address. or to in corporate into your team meetings. You can learn more about the deck here.
Great leaders multiply impact. What can you do to multiply your successes and strengths??
Mastery – They often say it takes 10,000 hours of consistent action to create excellence or mastery. What areas of work would you identify as areas of mastery for yourself? What would others say about your areas of mastery?
Measurement is critical in building a business case and demonstrating impact. What are your currently measuring in terms of your results? What would be more important to measure? We operate in what some are calling the era of big data. What does this mean for you and your team?
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized
The start to spring is a great time to revisit your vision for what you want to create this year. Save 50% off the Inner Biz Leader (TM) Virtual Business Planning Retreat - 7 hours of structured activities you can undertake at a pace that works for you, accompanied by more than 3.5 hours of video. Leave the process with a plan in place, and more knowledge about your strengths, values and priorities as a leader.