Knowledge and Knowledgeable: As leaders it is important that we develop knowledge in areas that are outside of our original technical knowledge domain. Knowledge in areas such as Emotional Intelligence, Relationship Management, Team Management are just as important as we move up the leadership ladder." In fact, these are the core areas the Teams365 Foundations modules explore. You can learn more about the Teams365 Foundations program here, which is offered as a public offering as well as internally for organizations.
Questions to consider: Beyond your technical knowledge, what other knowledge will help you excel?
On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being low, and 10 high, where would you rate yourself in the knowledge areas of Emotional Intelligence, Relationship Management, Team Leadership, etch?
You were to put attention around building knowledge in one area this quarter, what would it be?
What areas are you knowledgeable in? What can you do to share your knowledge more fully within the team or organization?
Kindness - Many organizational environments strive to be more kind, inclusive and human-centric. Every day in small ways we can practice kindness. Whether it is making a practice of saying thanks, being sensitive to others, or going the extra mile, kindness builds trust and helps people feel connected, an essential element for engagement.
Questions to consider: What does kindness mean in your context? What can you do today to demonstrate kindness?
Known - What we are known for is our reputation. What are you known for? Internally? Externally?
Keen - Keen is another word for interest. What are the areas you are keen in learning? Developing?
Kinesthetic - We learn many things kinaesthetically. It's not just through learning, but action shapes our knowledge base.
Questions to consider: What can you to do to create more kinesthetic learning opportunities for your team members?
Approaches such as job shadowing are ideal in getting newer team members with hands-on learning opportunities. Who could benefit from a more kinesthetic approach to development?
Have a great Wednesday,
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized
Coaching Skills Training | Teamwork | Leadership Development