Being connected and excited about our work is critical to success. It is the heart of engagement. What do you get jazzed about? What does your team get jazzed about? What could you do to foster more of that sentiment?
Justification, and building a business case, is a skill set for many team leaders today. What are the business cases you need to build? What's the justification behind your requests. The clearer and more articulate we can be in our budge and personnel requests, the stronger our business case becomes. not sure to start with this area? This may be a good place to look at with a mentor.
Judgement - Where are you making judgements? How accurate are they?
Joy - What is your team getting joy around?
Just-in-time - Just in time approaches are important in today's ever changing environment. Where could you be providing more just-in-time feedback, learning and coaching?
Just - Being just and equitable is key for team members. How are you ensuring you are just in your
Jennifer Britton, MES, CPT, PCC
Potentials Realized
Supporting Team Leaders to do their best work, one conversation at a time
Coaching | Teamwork | Leadership
Author of From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
(416)996-TEAM (8326)
It's almost the start of spring. Time to do some business planning and personal development? Join me for the Inner Biz Leader(TM) Virtual Retreat which you can complete at your own pace. More than six hours of structured activities for you to complete. Save 50% until the end of the month on the program.approaches?
Have a great ST. Patrick's Day,