Today’s post goes on to share three more team activities you might want to consider in building some team time into your next team meeting. Each one of these contributes to some of the factors we know create exceptional team process and performance (Read past posts on this topic here)
Focus - Our Foundation: Using a blank piece of flip chart have team members share one of their most important accomplishments. Research on pride ha found that the emotion actually has the ability to support thinking bigger and therefore leading to further achievements (Barbara Frederickson in her book Positivity. (Link to research summary here). This activity can also support the development of a wider base of knowledge of past successes and things you can build on, individually or collectively as a team.
Focus - Our Values - Knowing what is important to you as a team is key in support of making better decisions, prioritizing and also seeing how things fit together. While most organizations will have their own organizational values widely emblazoned, you and your team may have slightly different values. Using index cards or post it notes, ask team members write down what they see as the most important values of the team. Another way to phrase this is “What’s most important in our work as a team?” Various values may emerge such as quality, respect, customer service, doing it right. Have team members group the similar values and check if this is representative of the entire scope. At this point you may want to work to distill it down to the top five or six. A next conversation can focus in on what are the behaviors which demonstrate our values.
Focus - Our Vision. Having a clear and shared vision is key to a high performing team. This activity can incorporate one of the various photo decks I mentioned or you can draw it free hand. Ask the team the questions, image it's a year down the road - Who are we? What are we doing? What have we achieved?
Have team members work together to create a drawing of a vision, or have them select photos which represent what their vision is. This activity can unearth some interesting themes, metaphors and other chunks that the team may want to revisit throughout the year. (Note this activity is not a 5 minute activity and may fall anywhere between 15-60 minutes).
Have a great start to your week!
Jennifer Britton, MES, CPT, PCC
Potentials Realized
Author of From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching(Jossey-Bass, 2013) and Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010)
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