Bruce Tuckman's research into group and team development four decades ago provides us with useful insight around typical patterns of behaviors, and needs for groups and teams as they move through the forming stage through to performance, as well as when they complete or disband.
Even with the pace of change today and teams coming together and disbanding more frequently than in the past (in many organizational cultures), many team leaders will recognize Tuckman's Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning stages. Whether I was working with virtual and remote teams, or small group of headquarters staff where we had to live and work together, for the last twenty plus years I have seen these play out across contexts and cultures.
I invite you to listen into today's audio (10 minutes) and consider where your team is, and what they need from you:
Jennifer Britton, MES, CPT, PCC
Potentials Realized
Author of From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching(Jossey-Bass, 2013) and Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010)
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