A useful tool you may want to incorporate is that of a decision making tree. A decision tree helps all of us understand the WHAT IF…, especially if we are hitting a roadblock in our work.
Troubleshooting may involve working through a decision-making tree of what do you need to do and when.
Questions to ask:
- What’s the issue?
- What are the factors contributing to it?
- What are some possible solutions?
- Which one do I start with?
Given that we are often on our own in the hybrid space, it can be challenging to make choices. What do we do to make choices? Where do we activate others?
Decision trees are also useful in helping the team think through and make decisions. Follow the decision tree from the following example.
Decision trees prompt remote or hybrid teams to think through the questions in a similar fashion.
What is important for you to note?
Choices and checklists you need to make:
- What are the choice points for remote workers?
- What are the inflection points in business? (For a remote worker—who do you surround yourself with?)
Work though the Decision Tree for a current challenge you are facing. Read this in tandem with Day 34.
Consider these things as you work through the Decision Tree:
- Identify the main challenges you think you may face in your work.
- Identify what the decision tree is.
- Who do you go to at different times?
- What might you take to your boss rather than to your mentor?
- What might you reach out to your peers around first
(Source: 90-DAY GUIDE FOR SUCCESS | DAY 32 | pages 221-222, © Jennifer Britton, All Rights Reserved)
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