I thought it would be valuable to do an excerpt today from the 90-Day Guide for Success around Habits. Here’s what I wrote on Day 40 of the 90-Day Guide for Success:
The big things that come our way are . . .
the fruit of seeds planted in the daily routine of our work.”
—William Feather
Routines are an important part of maintaining consistency. Be intentional with the routines you want to set. These might include getting to work at a certain time of day, being sure to switch off by a certain time of day, leaving your desk for lunch to participate in a workout, scheduling in two out-of-office networking events each month, and/or earmarking time each season to participate in a
learning event (internal to your business, industry wide, or MOOC—massive open online course).
What routines are important for you to establish early on?
Stability and flow can be created for many in the hybrid and remote space via:
- Practices
- Habits
- Routines
Where to Go
Here are more resources regarding practices, habits, and routines.
- Practices: Check out KPMG’s online article, “Leading Practices for Remote Working: How to Navigate the Current Environment,”
- Habits: Check out Charles Duhigg’s the Power of Habits, James Clear’s Atomic Habits, and BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits.
- Routines: Check out Amanda Cross’s blog post, “21 Ways to Switch Up Your Remote Work Routine,”
Practices provide anchors for us in terms of getting things out and into the space of conversation. A practice may be a meeting, a focus, or a connection with people you enjoy. What is the purpose of your work right now?
To create something. Could you put on your calendar an event which you host every week or month?
What would it take to create that item on a regular basis? What could you create over the course of a month or year?
To connect people. Host a meeting at a consistent time weekly or monthly. Put it out in the calendar before the end of the year to make sure that it works.
To equip people. What are the different strategies which will help people?
What practices do you want to create?
As James Clear writes, “Habit formation is the process by which a behavior becomes progressively more automatic through repetition.”71 Habits are useful in that they may free up more thinking space for creative thought and problem solving. Think about the habit of driving. When you first started driving, likely all your thought needed to be dedicated to that. As it became more automatic and a habit, chances are that your brain now goes on autopilot while you drive and think. Have you ever found yourself at a location, not quite knowing how you got there?
Hebb’s law asserts that “Neurons that fire together wire together”; in other words, things that we do consistently become a habit.
What habits are going to help you thrive?
What are the routines? Routines are essential for remote workers. They help us stay grounded in a context that may be very fluid.
Write out the activities you undertake on a consistent basis. Maybe they include:
- Going into the office once a week—what’s the learning here?
- Getting to the gym 4–5 days a week—what’s the value?
Routines can create a workflow that keeps us at peak. It is important to consider elements like what creates flow for you, and how you are balancing time on and time.
(EXCERPT: 90-Day Guide for Success, All Rights Reserved, Jennifer Britton © 2021. Can be used with attribution and link to book)
What are the routines you want to adopt in 2023?
Enjoy the reflection,
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