Today's tip focuses us on the power of positive habits. Habits are formed by behaviors we undertake consistently. over time these become our default. Key to peak performance are habits which support you in getting things done. Some examples might be:
- To spend 10 minutes of planning every day so that you really focus in on what's important;
- To clear in box right away - filing emails and deleting (as appropriate) right away rather than undertaking a two step process
- Touching paper only once - rather than letting it sit and accumulate
- Having a place for the important things in your office so you can find them right away
- If you are a commuter (train, bus, but not driving) maybe you use some of that time consistently to catch up on reading.
What are the habits you have that are really supportive? What areas could you improve upon?A hint in this area might be the feeling of time suckers - for example you are spending too much time locating a certain set of files or information.
As you look to 2015, what new habits do you want to integrate? What would it be like to start this now, rather than at the start of the year?
Consistent action around these new behaviors are key - who do you want support from ? Who can you be accountable to?
We'll pick up the topic of habits again in a future Check it Off tip, as these form the backbone for high performance for you as a leader, and also your team.
Have a great weekend,
Jennifer Britton, MES, CPT, PCC
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