Chapter 8 of Reconnecting Workspaces is a focus on Teamwork Practices and Skills for Relationships and Results. As I write on page 139 with this chapter’s principle.
“Ensure all voices are in the room. Teams are strong because of their diversity. Having a variety of strategies to harness the talents and approaches of everyone in the room is key. This might involve using Post-its in the physical space or apps like Micro and Mural in the remote world. Dotmocracy and using annotation to vote are other ways to surface interests”.
The strengths of teams and organizations is all about connection. In order to do this we need to incorporate everyone’s voice in the room.
What are you doing to bring all voices in the room?
Consider activating the 5 Engagement Levers I shared last year in the series of work. The five engagement levers include:
And Whiteboard
For more on the Five Engagement Levers, be sure to check out this YouTube Video.
Enjoy the conversations,
Potentials Realized |Reconnecting Workspaces | Group Coaching Essentials
Team and Leadership Development | Coaching | Retreats
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Phone: (416)996-8326
Check out my TEDx talk - Virtual, Remote and Hybrid Checklist
Looking to bring your workplaces back together, whether you are remote, hybrid, or face-to-face? Pick up a copy of my book, Reconnecting Workspaces, at Amazon