Tips for Creating a More Productive Workplace—Essential Elements. What do you have in place?
• Dedicated desk space or working area.
• The ability to stream—Webcam.
• Minimize disruptions and interruptions. Gloria Mark has found that there is a
significant cost with interruptions, where it can take upwards of 28 minutes to get
back on task.
• Help team members when they get demotivated. In a regular job we might move
people into a job shadowing function. In a virtual team, it is hard to do this so we
may look at doing some virtual job shadowing, where people are encouraged to
work together.
• Look at changing work location—maybe there are distractions in the global space.
• Pair with a peer partner for a few hours. What can you learn from each other?
• Reorient work hours to accommodate a remote or hybrid rhythm which may need to take into account other family members’ schedules who are also working from home, as well as a more global reach.
• Take some time off and away.
• Bring team members to core locations (like the main office or a departmental retreat, when possible) so they are more connected and have a bigger sense of the whole/ bigger picture
What are you doing to create more of a productive workspace for yourself? What small changes would make a big difference?
Enjoy the flow,
Potentials Realized |Reconnecting Workspaces | Group Coaching Essentials
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Phone: (416)996-8326
Check out my TEDx talk - Virtual, Remote and Hybrid Checklist
Looking to bring your workplaces back together, whether you are remote, hybrid, or face-to-face? Pick up a copy of my new book, Reconnecting Workspaces, at Amazon.