Focus Question: Where can 1 + 1 = more than 2?
Virtual collaboration is an art form, and a requirement of exceptional work in the remote space. “No person is an island”. It is critical that we spend time focusing on what is important for those we work with.
Collaboration can be more complex in the remote space as we don’t always see the context our colleagues are operating within. With this in mind, it can be even more important to be intentional in designing our relationships This is a topic I explore in Chapter 12 of Effective Virtual Conversations.
In Effective Virtual Conversations, I also explore some of the core skills at the heart of great collaboration. Take a minute and think about how these skills are underpinning great collaboration for you.
At the heart of great collaboration is clarity around:
Why are we collaborating? Collaboration is not always the best strategy.
What’s our common stake? What are all parties committed to?
What do we each bring to the table?
#1 – Where are you collaborating?
Map out the different collaboration partners you currently have? What makes them work?
#2 – Skills for Collaboration:
What skills do you lean into? What could use attention? Some of the more common skills needed for collaboration, which I outline in Chapter 12 of Effective Virtual Conversations, is listed below.
Complete the chart below:
For more on this topic check out: Chapter 12 – Effective Virtual Conversations and multiple sections in PlanDoTrack and Coaching Business Builder.
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