Address issues quickly and surely. “Molehills can become mountains.” In virtual teams, being proactive around conflict is critical. When conflict is not addressed directly and quickly, issues fester and grow much larger than they need to be. Virtual teams are often more diverse than co-located teams, which often means more diverse perspectives, contexts, and opinions. Open communication is key.
It's important to address issues quickly and swiftly. Common issues which are easy to let slide include:
- Lateness/tardiness at meetings
- Gossip
- Lack of preparation
- Lack of follow-thought
- Not sharing information with others
- Poor/sloppy attention to details
- Distraction during meetings
- Not flagging issues early enough, potentially leading to issues snowballing and impacting others
- Inappropriate behaviors or comments
- Derogatory statements made about gender, religion, race, age, or other factors
All of these issues are flags and a signal that swift action needs to be taken. Some, like derogatory statements, may also have legal repercussions if action is not taken.
What are the flags you are noticing in your team right now which need to be addressed?
Enjoy the conversation!
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized |Reconnecting Workspaces | Group Coaching Essentials
Team and Leadership Development | Coaching | Retreats
Follow us on Instagram @ReconnectingWorkspaces
Phone: (416)996-8326
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