Whether we are together part time or only once a quarter or a year, connections across the team and organization give us strength.
With hybrid work and some people being offsite and some onsite, it’s important to be INTENTIONAL with touchpoints, communication and development of team culture.
Check out the Reconnecting Tip around Intentionality in chapter 2 of Reconnecting Workspaces.
How strong are the connections in your team? What is important to note?
Enjoy your reflection!
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized |Reconnecting Workspaces | Group Coaching Essentials
Team and Leadership Development | Coaching | Retreats.
Follow us on Instagram @ReconnectingWorkspaces
Phone: (416)996-8326
Looking to bring your workplaces back together, whether you are remote, hybrid, or face-to-face? Pick up a copy of my new book, Reconnecting Workspaces, at Amazon.