If you missed the calls you can listen back to them at http://www.coachingteamleaders.com/team-leader-breakfast-series.html .
The Breakfast Cafe will give you a taste of some of the topics we cover in the Teams 365 Team Leadership Foundations modules (online learning sessions) as well as the more extended Teams365 Coaching Groups (4-6 month coaching groups for new, aspiring and experienced leaders)
Potentials Realized - Leadership | Teamwork | Coaching Skills Training for Leaders
Supporting Team Leaders One Conversation at a Time(TM)
Teams365 Blog
View our 12 minute presentation on the upcoming Teams365 Team Leader Foundations online training, and Coaching Groups starting this fall. Our next Coaching Group starts Tuesday September 23rd at 5:45 pm Eastern by phone, and the Teams365 Team Leadership Foundations Module starts on Fridays at 12 noon ET on September 26th. Calls will be held on September 26, October 3, 10 and 17.