With the shift to remote working arrangements where we need to rely more on ourselves to get out of a dip in motivation or other elements, what are the things that are going to help you become more motivated?
In my work as a coach I like to share a model I call the CLAIMS framework of motivation. We are motivated by elements including:
- C - Community – Many professionals want to be part of a bigger whole. This is particularly important when we work remotely. Some motivational models call this belonging or affiliation. In remote work, as it relates to community it is about relationship development, communication and developing a strong team culture.
- L - Learning – Ongoing learning is critical for success within the remote workspace, particularly as teams today are fluid and ever changing. Think about the team elements which are all about ongoing learning – concepts like TEAMING, AGILE, etc. What are the different ways you want to learn? Contribute?
- A - Autonomy – Remote work is not short on autonomy. Autonomy means having the independence to do our work in a way, time and structure set by us. It’s reliant on high trust and giving people the choice and flexibility to get things done. It’s also reliant on clear communication, systems, practices, goals, roles and other elements which are core for high performance. When clarity exists, remote workers can focus in on what’s important.
- I - Impact – What’s the impact you want to make? As a remote worker our impact is often measured through our output (what results we get). Don’t’ forget that it can also be measured through the influence we have over others and how we build a sense of community and team.
- M - Monetary – For some money and other benefits may be a significant driver. How are you supporting people in this area? What has happened to the compensation piece and perks since moving to remote work?
- S - Status – What is our role? What is our position? Are we seen as the go-to person around problem solving? Are we acknowledged for what we bring to the team? Learn more about status and think about how this fits into work in the remote space.
Beyond these six areas there are several other areas which are a key part of remote work success.
As you consider your work, what’s important to note?
All the best,
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
Coaching Skills Training | Leadership Development | Teamwork
Growing Team Leaders, One Conversation at a Time™ in the Remote Space
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