So today we're going to be looking at some of the key priorities for virtual remote workers today. I think what we're hearing is really the importance of prioritization, strategic planning against the backdrop of VUCA - volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. On remote teams, prioritization is also key. We can have team members all over as we work more in isolation or across teams in a matrix structure, being able to prioritize our tasks, understanding the weighting of how a request from Shanghai and a request from Tel Aviv and /or Toronto mix, how do they come together as we sit in whatever location? What do I give priority to? How do we as a team prioritize? A lot of this goes back to being clear on our vision and purpose, and also knowing what our core goals are for the quarter, the month, and even the week.
What are the top 3-5 priorities you have this week?
Also key to productivity is communication . In the virtual space it’s about communicating across the Matrix, communicating with different people in different languages, different cultures, different preferences in terms of styles - some wanting email, others wanting instant messaging, wanting a phone call and a conversation.
What are you noticing about communication in your work right now? What needs attention? What is working well? What do your partners need from you?
Another area to consider is delegation and hand off. I say delegation and/or hand off because for many of us, even if we are part of a virtual or remote team, we are very much working in not, I wouldn't say an isolation but autonomously.
So, we're going to look at the context. We'll also look at the tools that can help support that. You and them if you are managing a team, a team of one or a team of many.
A key area I wanted to zoom into today is prioritization. It rests on communication, on delegation, on all of these. So as much as I'm breaking these down today, being able to prioritize and bucket our work has dramatic impact and connection with these other areas.
So for virtual remote team members and leaders, we want to be thinking constantly about how do we share things, how do we help people understand the big picture, the time frames, the why, where and how do we incorporate others, what are the things that I need to be communicating to other, what are the things I need to be making requests from each other?
Many times, when we are virtual, especially only a team member and not a team leader, we really need to use the skill of influence in our teams.
What’s important for you to note?
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