The topic of building trust and connection in the virtual space is a focus of chapter 2 in my 2017 book Effective Virtual Conversations. In it I discuss the varied ways to build trust and connection virtually. Whether it’s being CONSISTENT, or communicating regularly with consistent messaging, trust and connection is key.
This was also the focus of the mid-May Community Call I co-host with my podcast partner in crime Michelle Mullins.
I’d invite you to check out the call – 30 minutes (and mark down Thursday June 4th at 7 am ET as our next call – held in zoom room 270-302-0415. Scroll ahead to about minute 15 as we talk about the duality of trust which I first shared here at the Teams365 blog in Teams365 #413 – view it here.)
What are the actions you want to undertake consistently to build trust and connection?
Best wishes,
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders | Remote Pathways Podcast
Team and Leadership Development | Coaching | Everything DiSC
Phone (416)996-8326
Get your Q2 planning on with the PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner or Coaching Business Builder
Looking to enhance your virtual conversations? Webinars? Pick up a copy of Effective Virtual Conversations at Amazon, or join me for the Virtual Facilitation Essentials program
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