With matrix work and membership of multiple teams become the norm in today’s workspace, it can be important to focus on WHAT’S the PRIORITY?
Are you taking time as a team to discuss what your priorities are?
Are you holding three-way meetings so that team members can learn more about the bigger picture and landscape of the multiple teams they are part of?
As a leader, are you communicating the WHY, or what’s important about the bigger picture of work?
Prioritization is a critical skill set for most remote workers. It may also involve some negotiation when multiple priorities show up on our desk (think – almost every day!).
The challenge is that balancing multiple priorities for two parties who don’t usually connect. This is where getting into the practice of holding quarterly or regular meetings with the matrix teams or leaders can be of benefit. Widening the understanding of what people are working on, can help sensitize thinking, as well as help with weighing in on priorities.
A reminder of the different prioritization tools we might leverage –
- Covey’s Urgent/Important Matrix
- To Do and Not To Do List
- Strategic Issues Mapping
I’ve covered many of these tools in past Teams365 blog posts. Many of these tools can also be found in Section 4 of PlanDoTrack.
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