What to do when you want to focus on organizational culture?
First, culture change takes time. It can take years for an organizational culture to change.
Two, people need to be aligned. Alignment is critical so that everyone is pulling in the same way - not only the Executive Management Team but the Executives, with Senior Management Team, with frontline leaders and workers.
As we saw yesterday, organizational culture is made up of the values, practices and behaviors within an organization. When toxic patterns start, it requires consistent change and monitoring of the change.
Three, we need to recognize that organizational culture issues are not silos based. Culture change requires a systems approach given that the issues occur across the silos and an organization.
Given that this is a much larger topic than a series of blog posts, I will be hosting a call on the topic of organizational culture later this week on Thursday August 14th from 8:15 - 8:45 am Eastern/New York. You are invited to join me for this call where we will explore three elements of culture and what you can do as a leader or team member to have an impact. The call will be held at 1-857-232-0155, access code 503003. Please join me for this quick breakfast chat! No cost other than your own long distance charge and time!
Best wishes,
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized - Leadership | Teamwork | Coaching Skills Training for Leaders
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