I like to look at the landscape of remote work and some of my current writing is expanding on this. Let’s take a look at where we were in 2015, only 4 years ago, around the landscape of remote work. Here’s what I shared back in Teams365 post #994:
Recently I’ve done a series of posts on virtual and remote team leadership. Learning how to be an effective virtual leader is one part of the equation of moving to a more mobile and engaged workforce. Another key part is creating an enabling environment for virtual and remote work, which may include ensuring there are adequate resources, policies and expectations around virtual work.
Here’s some research around the drivers for developing a more remote workforce. Softchoice’s study the “Death of the Desk Job” found through their survey that:
- 62% of employees believe they are more productive working outside the office
- 61% of employees prefer working the equivalent of an eight hour workday broken up over a longer day, rather than in a single 9-5 block
- 57% of employees work on personal and/or sick days, and 44% of employees worked on their last vacation
- 24% or organizations have set clear policies and expectations around appropriate work activities after business hours
- 74% of North American employees would quit their job for one that allow them to work remotely more often
- 70% would quite in favour of a position that offers increased flexibility
Reference: http://www.softchoice.com/about/press/2015/177 as quoted in HRD Issue 4.3, pp 48 in the article "Is your organization ready to be flexible?"
What you do know and notice about the appetite for remote work at your organization?
(You will find the original post here)
As you think about your world of work, industry and geography – what has changed? How have things shifted in the last 4-5 years? What trends are you seeing – let us know by commenting below.
Leadership | Teamwork | Business Success
Author of multiple books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017), PlanDoTrack (2019) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013)
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For those looking for tips, tools and ideas about remote work and support for your remote teams, be sure to check out these tags and resources.