Here’s Teams365 # 212:
In terms of the development of members of your team, mentors, coaches and leaders all play important roles in building capacity of the team, individually and collectively. You can view past posts about mentoring here and coaching here.
Mentoring is often an underutilized method of support in organizations today. Mentors provide the value of being able to provide tremendous insight into the culture of an organization, how to "practically" get things done, and also into networks and technical issues important for different roles. Along with my colleague, Susan Combs, we continue to hear from organizations that are interested in adding mentoring, but they don't know where to start to support their mentors and proteges/mentees. This summer we launched the Mentor RoadMap(TM) series of workbooks for mentors and proteges. Organizations who have gone through the initial beta tests have found the resources to be invaluable! Interested in learning more? Contact us to set up a conversation about how mentoring could benefit your organization.
Coaching also can play a key role in the development of the team - as individuals and also as the team itself. Research by the International Coach Federation has found that coaching has a number of productivity benefits, as well as other related areas. The 2009 Global Coaching Client survey found that:
Increased productivity measures include:
- Improved work performance (70%)
- Improved business management (61%)
- Improved time management (57%)
- Improved team effectiveness (51%)
Improved positivity measures include:
- Increased self confidence (80%)
- Increased relationships (73%)
- Improved communication skills (72%)
- Improved work life balance (67%)
We've focused on coaching skills for leaders here at the blog this month, and sometimes it can be useful to bring in an internal or external coach to work with your team. Contact us to learn more about what this could look like with your team.
At the same time, teams excel because of great leaders. This is the emphasis here at the Teams365 blog. Helping you as leaders, and aspiring leaders, become better at what you do - through new skills, refined approaches, new insights and self-awareness. In a few weeks we will be launching one of our first Teams365 Team Leader Foundation programs on Time Management. The first of more than a dozen training modules for team leaders. New modules will be offered monthly and I hope that you will join us in the coming months with a focus on your own development. Learning is online so you don't have to travel!
Best wishes,
Leadership | Teamwork | Business Success
Author of multiple books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017), PlanDoTrack (2019) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013)
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